Knowledge Center

New Actions offers a wealth of knowledge through its consulting and coaching services. Andrew Elowitt is a frequent speaker and a published author. His topics range from effectively managing law firms to decision making and emotional intelligence.


This page contains some of the questions we are frequently asked. The questions cover topics like consulting packages, coaching engagements, how our various services are tailored to your needs, and confidentiality.
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Andrew Elowitt is a well-respected speaker who is frequently invited to both public and private venues. He typically presents on topics of interest to law firms, such as succession planning and business plans. Learn More


Andrew Elowitt has published numerous articles on everything from teleconferences and employee feedback to marketing and law firm management practice. He has also written whitepapers that are available to clients. Learn More

Webinars & Teleseminars

Webinars and teleseminars allow firms to conduct training with people scattered across various locations. Andrew is experienced in holding both public and private training sessions on an array of topics. Learn More

Helpful Links

This page contains links and resources that we at New Actions have found helpful. We recommend that you explore these organizations, read the books, and learn more about our strategic partners. Learn More


new actions blog

Andrew Elowitt is a well-respected speaker and author. His expertise ranges from management and team development to strategic planning and conflict competence and beyond.

services for executives

We are experts in how business people lead, strategize, change, and work together. Small improvements can make large contributions to a company’s bottom line. We know what it takes to get results in the real world.

services for professionals

We understand that professional firms are unique. Their structure, management, and challenges are different from those of businesses selling goods and non-professional services.