Helpful Links
We have found the following organizations, books, and strategic partners to be helpful and informative.
College of Law Practice Management
American Bar Association – Law Practice Division
International Coach Federation
Law Practice Management & Technology Section of the State Bar of California
The Law Program of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
Organization Development Network
Becoming a Conflict Confident Leader. Runde & Flanagan
Emotional Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence at Work. Goleman
The Firm of the Future. Dunn & Baker
Flawed Advice and the Management Trap. Argyris
Flawless Consulting. Peter Block
Managing the Professional Service Firm. Maister
Move to Greatness. Whitelaw & Wetzig
The Power of Impossible Thinking. Wind & Crook
The Rules of Victory. Gimain & Boyce
Tribal Leadership. Logan, King & Fischer-Wright