Webinars & Teleseminars
New Actions webinars and teleseminars are a convenient and cost effective way to acquire new skills and improve old ones. They are regularly offered on a public basis (participants come from several different organizations) or on a private basis (limited to members of a single team, firm, business unit, or company). Some of our recent topics include:
- Working & Leading With Emotional Intelligence
- Stress, Burnout & Peak Performance
- Conflict Competence
- Design a Business Plan for Your Professional Practice
- The Art of Giving Clear and Effective Feedback
- Improve Your Communications IQ
- “Fast Management” for Professional Firms
- Creating a Mentoring Program
- Mastering the Marketing Mindset
Working & Leading With Emotional Intelligence
As careers progress, emotional intelligence (EI) becomes more important than cognitive intelligence (IQ). The good news is you’ve been using EI all your life, perhaps without even knowing it. The better news is that EI (unlike personality traits) can be developed with practice. Take an EI assessment as part of the program and develop a methodical approach to improving your EI. Learn how improving specific EI competencies will improve your personal effectiveness, profitability, and satisfaction.
Stress, Burnout & Peak Performance
Chronic stress can undermine our work performance as well as our physical and emotional health. Learn how to regain control of your life and reestablish a healthy balance by managing your energy as well as your time.
Conflict Competence
Conflict is a normal part of the workplace environment. Productivity and morale – both individual and organizational – depend on how well we deal with it. Rather than avoiding and ignoring conflict, learn how to become skillful at handling it.
Design a Business Plan for Your Professional Practice
Business plans make it easier to start and grow a practice, yet an alarmingly small number of professionals actually have and use a plan. New Actions leads participants through the steps in creating a plan that will fit your needs and dreams.
The Art of Giving Clear and Effective Feedback
Feedback is a wonderful way of both motivating people and holding them accountable. Yet executives and professionals are often uncomfortable giving feedback to their reports. Learn when and how to give feedback, and discover how powerful and transformative it can be.
Improve Your Communications IQ
Poor communication is a frequent contributor to personal, team and organizational underperformance. Conversations become shorter and more productive once people master the fundamental skills of listening, inquiry, framing, and advocacy. Misunderstandings and disconnects are reduced when people learn to become intentional about their conversations and distinguish between expectations, requests, and promises.
“Fast Management” for Professional Firms
Finding sufficient time for management and leadership responsibilities is a common complaint of many professionals. Traditional approaches tend to be too time consuming. Identify the specific skills and styles needed to keep your practice running smoothly and serve your clients, while taking care of yourself too.
Creating a Mentoring Program
Mentoring is an excellent way of improving cohesion and morale within an organization. Well-designed programs show a positive ROI by reducing turnover and improving performance. Unfortunately many programs are little more than “venerables” sharing war stories about how they became successful. Learn how to set up and operate a program that delivers results.
Mastering the Marketing Mindset
If you’ve participated in countless marketing workshops and never seen results, then this is the program for you. We work from the inside out, helping you discover which of your beliefs and assumptions about marketing are holding you back. Once you remove these inner constraints, you’ll have greater access to the energy and enthusiasm you need for effective marketing.